Conducting with a bird on your hand – new book coming in English 2024

Conducting With A Bird On Your Hand – Musical Leadership and Interaction

«It was like an arrow to the heart. I can’t put it any other way.»

Singing together gives us the sense of community, of being a meaningful piece in something larger than ourselves. Where each small voice is significant in the grand context, where we merge into a collective «we.» Occasionally, we get to experience moments where we are touched by love and feel an intense sense of joy.

Now, with this book, my hope is to describe how you, as a conductor, can train yourself in this kind of communication. Because I believe that everything can be learned, even this! I also hope that the book can serve as inspiration for other types of leaders, as the same mechanisms are likely at play in all forms of leadership. When we get everyone moving in the same direction, great things can happen!

Coming this autumn, just waiting for the beautiful translation!